3 days ago9 min read
Yoga, beyond the mat
Take a journey along yoga's ancient philosophical path with our tripartite series and understand the deeper principles of your practice.

Dec 21, 202414 min read
Written in the stars: what you need to know about yoga and your star sign
What if the stars held the secret to reaching stellar heights in your yoga practice?

Sep 28, 202410 min read
What you need to know about migraines (and whether yoga can help)
Migraines can be all encompassing and scary to navigate. But simple lifestyle changes might be the key to managing them.

May 27, 20246 min read
Point Break - what I learned about yoga when injury forced me to stop
Here's exactly what I learned about yoga when an injury forced me stop - and why my practice will never be the same again.

May 7, 20243 min read
Soul Food - what yoga teaches us about diet
Everything you need to know about yoga's relationship with food - and how to eat to nurture both your body and your practice.

Apr 23, 20246 min read
Feminine Frequencies: Balancing Act
Many myths orbit around female specific sex hormones. Here's what you need to know about your hormones and how yoga could support them.

Jan 6, 20246 min read
Ascension Era | Tips to level-up your yoga practice right now
Welcome to your ascension era. Level-up your yoga asana practice with our five simple technique tweaks that really work.

Dec 30, 20236 min read
The thin line | Yoga & weight loss
What you really need to know about yoga and weight loss.